Not long ago one could see the glass dorrs only in large supermarkets and airports. Today, the glass doors may be found in apartments and offices more and more often.
Glass — environmentally-friendly and durable material, it is perfectly suitable for usage at home. Glass interior doors – they are pleasant to look at and to touch. These doors withstand sharp temperature drops and high humidity, preserving perfect appearance.
Facade glazing is the effective and efficient way to make the building modern and original. Facade glazing is one of the modern technologies that make the building complete and balanced.
Post-and-lintel. Traditional way of glazing that consists in usage of special aluminum profile that is rather visible from the external side of the building. The main advantage of such glazing method it is low cost;
Structural. With the help of this facade glazing option you may considerable hide various structural metal elements. Is such a way it is possible to achieve the so-called effect of “glass wall” – from external side of the building one can see only solid facade without seams and fitting elements. Such glazing method allows to make building appearance aesthetic and beautiful, but at the same time its cost is slightly higher that of the post-and-lintel one.